Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge
Loved my Time in SF

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Difference in Gender Role Trauma and that of Growing Up

MarkBen Paulino
6 September 2011

Difference in Gender Role Trauma and that of Growing Up

“Between adolescence and menopause, women experience trauma in adjusting to their gender roles. (Mary Pipher)” The statement has been over emphasized by the word trauma, which portrays growing up as difficult and damaging to women. Mary Pipher portrays the negativities that occur during a females change from adolescence to adulthood and blames societal norms of gender. Growing up in general poses obstacles and life changing events, yes some may be difficult and even traumatic, but what teenager doesn’t go through it. In several of the readings we see a similarity – gender roles have changed through time, but none infer any relationship between growth and gender role. [THESIS] Mary Pipher uses the word gender role loosely as I believe that these traumatic events are not from being of a certain gender, but from the cause of growing up and receiving life lessons. Without these traumatic events, or growing experiences, people would be complacent and lack variation, people will forever be ingenuous. [THESIS]

Mary Pipher states that once females reach adulthood they become stronger. Don’t we want them to incur strength; especially the women who are seen as weak compared to men. Mental growth requires obstacles to better ones self as they are lessons to be learned. Without mistakes or hardships none will learn to overcome especially in the years of adulthood when parents are no longer there to hold ones hand. Pipher uses the story Ophelia as an example of the destructive forces that affect a young women and how as a girl they are happy and free. There is a big difference between a girl and a young woman – the aid of parents. As a girl, one has the protection and financial support of parents and as one ages one must learn to fend for oneself, to become one’s own support. Becoming one’s own support is difficult for any gender – trying to find a job, putting food on the table, and interacting with peers. It is best for one to learn these lessons while an adolescent to early prepare one for the future. It is not the gender that causes traumatic events, but the process of becoming an adult.

The reading of Stephen S. Hall states that the stress that men face are increasing and its trajectory may reach the level of women. Society is changing and so are the people in it, thus trying to find a solution to this trauma effect of gender role or of growing up is close to impossible. In Kay S. Hymowitz’s reading we see that the age in which men reach a mature attitude has increased – labeled as SYM (Single Young Men). SYM’s are in this state due to the lack of responsibility – mortgages, wives, childcare bills – they have little or no growing experiences and faced no trauma. If females were sheltered from these experiences or events they would follow the same path of these SYM and have a lengthened age range of child-like mentality. Without these traumatic events (or experiences), people, such as women, would not seek to better themselves to increase their rate of gaining a college degree, obtaining high level jobs, or learning to use a .38 special revolver to protect themselves. Women and Men face obstacles that come with growing.

Children, boy or girl, both grow and seem to distant themselves from parents not wanting their hands to be held or being kissed. Teens change the way they are to fit into a certain clique – dressing in black and wearing berets for drama club, becoming bubbly for cheerleading, and so on. In Stephen S. Hall’s reading he implies that it is not only teen-age girls that question who they are, but teen-age boys too. Scott Russell Sanders’ reading negates the fact that because of gender women face more traumatic experiences while growing, when in fact it is due to class (rich vs poor and in between). Sanders was baffled when a woman accused him of having the world’s pleasure because of his gender, as he had nothing and could only get into college through persistence and hard work.

Yes, some of Mary Pipher statements such as that relating to appearance relates to gender role. However, many of Pipher’s statements have a closer correlation to the act of growing up. In conclusion, Mary Pipher has not made a clear distinction between trauma that is caused due to gender and trauma that is caused due to growing up. Pipher also fails to realize the strength and individualism that occurs because of these events.
I believe that Alison Matsumoto’s statement “I believe that gender role trauma is the product of the feminist movement”, is a false statement. Alison’s statement should have been reversed as gender role trauma is the reason for the feminist movement. Wikipedia states that the purpose of the feminist movement is to bring equal rights to women, to be able to have the same voting rights, pay, job opportunities, and many other privileges that men have. By breaking this barrier of inequality the feminist movement will reduce the clear distinction and possibly eliminate gender roles. By eliminating gender role, people will judge on ones aptitude. Wikipedia also states that feminists are proponents of using gender-inclusive language, such as “humanity” instead of “mankind”. As can be seen, feminist are not trying to distinguish the societal roles of man from woman, but that the distinguishing factor between male and female is their biological function.

Works Cited
Goshgarian, Gary, and Kathleen Krueger. Dialogues: an Argument Rhetoric and Reader. Boston: Pearson/Longman, 2011. Print.


  1. Aloha MarkBen,

    Over all I think your paper is looking good. You have a strong opening and supporting information. It seems that you feel strongly about your stance.

    In the paragraph that starts “The reading of Stephen S. Hall..” needs to be clarified and developed more. When using the word these make sure there is a clear referent or the reader won’t know which these you are talking about.

    Your paper is formatted according to our guidelines. However your in text citations are missing page numbers and in some cases I think proper quotes or maybe they are all paraphrasing the authors. I think for the works cited section at the end we need to include page numbers and article names which would give you a separate citation for each article not just one. Also the student quote needs a citation.

    I believe that the students quote is supposed to be in the body of your paper not after your conclusion. It looks like you added it as an afterthought or maybe were not sure where to put it. The -- makes it even more separate.

    Nice start! Good luck,

    I look forward to reading your final draft.

    Mala Arkin

    Looks like my post did not work the first time. Sorry.

  2. Hey Mark,

    I think your paper looks pretty good overall. You have provided good examples from the readings to support your thesis. Your paper pretty much followed the guidelines. However, there are some mechanical and grammar problems. You did a good job putting quotation on classmate’s direct statement but you need to cite this according to MLA. But overall, I liked your paper!

    Simon Lee

  3. Review by Dean Kurozumi

    Hey Mark, as you can see this is an extremely long evaluation! Sorry about that, and please don’t take anything I say personally! :]
    As with the other papers I have evaluated, your paper supports your thesis very well. However, after reading your paper, I do not feel as if you have argued or expressed your opinion on our required topic of “Between adolescence and menopause, women experience trauma in adjusting to their gender roles.” I can’t tell if you’re supporting it or going against it because you state in your paper that women do indeed experience trauma, along with men, but it’s due to growing up. That statement would signify that you disagreed with our paper’s argument since the trauma that women experience is not due to their gender.
    Now if you had left it at that, your paper would have a clear opposition to the topic. However, when looking at your first sentence in paragraph 3,”The reading of Stephen S. Hall states that the stress that men face are increasing and its trajectory may reach the level of women” you are essentially categorizing men and women into two different groups in which; the stress that women experience has such a big difference when compared to that of the stress men experience. This can translate to, because they are women, they experience more stress than men. Using the idea throughout your paper of, it’s growing up that causes the trauma women (and men) experience, not gender roles; why is it that women would experience more stress than men? If it really was just from “growing up” wouldn’t that create some sort of equality amongst women and men in terms of stress experienced (this is of course taking personal hardships into account)? So, in the end, the quote you used can be interpreted as, because they are women, they experience an increased amount of stress; which would mean you were agreeing to our topic in a sense. This is the main part that left me a little confused as to your standing on the subject. Maybe revising your thesis or trimming down your body paragraphs will provide you with a clearer standing throughout your paper.
    Also as for your works cited area, it would be helpful if you listed which articles and which authors you used in your paper rather than just citing the entire book as a whole. You will also need to cite which student’s argument you used in your works cited area. Also, when referring to an author in your paper, the first time you mention their name (ex. Mary Pipher) you may use their full name, any subsequent citing of their name should be used with only their last name (ex. Pipher). Your paper also contains a handful of grammatical errors as well. As for your “conclusion” it seems as if you had your conclusion and you forgot to include your classmate’s argument and you simply inserted it as your last paragraph. If that really was your conclusion, then I’d suggest focusing on only restating your main points and not introducing this new Feminism topic which should have been introduced and discussed in your body paragraphs. However, the feminism topic has nothing to do with “growing up causing trauma and not gender roles” so I would also suggest finding a new person to quote and argue against. It wouldn’t be beneficial if you just stuck in a random quote to argue against just for the sake of arguing.
    One last thing! Your title could use some work, I wouldn’t necessarily call it an original title, but rather it would be a description of your paper.
